2020 I.R.T.D.A. d.o.o was certified by Bisnode again for its creditworthiness, and could even improve its ranking from AA to AAA which is the highest possible certification.
The international company for business certifications – Bisnode – judges financial stability and reliability using a system that has been created by experts and is being renewed frequently. Correct Diving Krk, Mare Vivum and Kvarnerline have been certified based on this system which makes the IRTDA-companies become part of the 0.19% in Croatia being able to provide the highest standart of Bisnode (AAA). We are honered to take this certification as a confirmation that all the hard work of the last decades has paid off eventually, and that our respect for marketing fairness does not stay unseen.
For the future we plan to proceed following our way to be your stable, reliable partner when it comes to the ocean.