• base 2
  • base 3
  • base 1
  • base 4


the way to your career

Make your dream come true and be a professional diver for living!

the dive-master-class
This part of your education is a big step to professionality. Your skills of organizing safe dives and making them happen will highly improve, as well as your knowledge in theroy and practice. The class takes place over 4 weeks and gives you the chance to practice what you have learned in our buisness.

the class includes:

requirements rescue-diver-certificate
age 18 years & older
documents required registration for class
your diving suitability
medical questionare
rules for safe diving
dives required 70
time span of class 168 hours total
theory definition of IRTDA-dive-master
role of dive-master
supervision of students
diving skills & surroundings
control & management of diving-activities
diving chart
diving physiology
preperation for teaching theory
how to ensure of IRTDA-quility
your allowance as IRTDA-dive-master
theory-exam 320 questions
test of physical contiton swimming 200 meters on time
snorkeling 800 meters on time
water treading 20 minutes
tow hurt diver 100 meters
practice in restricted open water accompaning of OWD-class
accompaning discovery-dives (DOP)
guide a DOP-class
further education

guidance over diving classes / theory-modules / open water-modules:
open water-diver
advanced open water-diver

further activities:
briefings for diving activities
independent verification of not well known waters
creation of under water-maps / emergency-plans
logistig preparation of diving classes

practice in open water guidance of 3 IRTDA-classes OWD, AOWD, RD (or 3 OWD)

allowance to all succesfully proceeded acitivites learned in this class

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