• base 2
  • base 4
  • base 3
  • base 1

Advanced Open Water Diver

As an advanced diver, you have the chance to participate adventures that you could never experience as an OWD-diver, since you can only dive 18 meters deep with that cerificate.

For your further education we offer 2 different classes. First you need to graduate the advanced open water-diver, so that you can join the rescue-diver-class.

After recieving your certificate of the advanced open water-diver-class, you will finally be able to dive into further depths and explore the mysterios sea at night. You are also able to start with the IRTDA technical diving programm which includes deep air, wreck-dives, and cave-dives.

the class includes:

requirements open water-diver-certificate
age 15 years & older
documents needed

registration for class
your diving suitablity-certificate
medical questionare                                        
rules for safe diving


5 dives at registration
16 before certificate

time span of class 24 hours total

diving with restricted sight
diving at night
natural navigation
search and recover lost items
deep air in chart-profile
deep air at multi level (computer) profile

theory-exam 60 questions
practice in open wate

module 1 – natural navigation
difference-calculation of fin-movements, air, time & arm-lenghts, dive with natural topographical points

module 1 – compass-navigation
reverse course

module 1 – dive at night with compass-navigation
use navigation for reverse course
lights off for 1 minute
dive with backup-light for 5 minutes
emerges & submerges on a roap
hand-signs in flashlight
hand-signs in light

module 2 – deep air with dive-profile, chart & computer-dives
first dive – square-course, profile of chart with calculations on land & in depth
prior to that – calculations at air for different depths
detection of average AMW
second dive using computers
calculation tasks on land & in depth

module 2 – searching and recovering of items
recovery with lifting bag
use of buddys & reels
calculate the volume & displacement of item in water
calculate amount of air needed in lifitng bag

open water-exam advanced open water dives

certified diver, allowed to join diving activities further than as an OWD-diver, maximum depth - 30 meters